You Have No Right To Judge

Jun 19, 2022

We judge people because they look different or act different. We can put people down because of the mistakes they've made. That's bullying and wrong. We've all sinned and made mistakes.
Jesus is the only one who can judge us. He lived a perfect life. But he doesn't put us down he died on the cross so we could be saved from our sin. So that when we are judged, if we have confessed with our mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in our hearts that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Jesus doesn't meet our sin and mistakes with hate. He meets us with love. Just like he did to the woman in our bible story.
We should respond to others with love not hate. Don't look down on other's or judge them.

Our Memory Verse this week is:
“Don’t pick on people, don’t jump on their failures, or don’t criticize their faults.”
Matthew 7:1