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We are a church
without walls.

Angelus Temple is the first church founded by the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel, and since 1923 has worked to advance God's kingdom and Jesus Christ's message of hope and salvation to the people of Los Angeles by serving the inner city's physical and spiritual needs.


Dream Center Discipleship Graduation!

Join your Angelus Temple family on Sunday, January 12th at 10 AM for a very special service as we come together to celebrate the graduation of the amazing men and women of our Dream Center Discipleship program!
Marketplace Shakers!

Join our Marketplace Shakers ministry at Sunday, February 2nd at 9AM in the Angelus Temple Underground for a time of fellowship and encouragement, as we explore how we have been called to be about our Fathers business!
Life Group Sunday!

Join your Angelus Temple family in the lobby after service Sunday, February 2nd as we come together to celebrate a new Life Group semester, and a new opportunity to dive into the wonderfully expansive and welcoming community here at Angelus Temple!

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